5 Amazing Health Benefits of Acupuncture
What is Acupuncture? According to Mayo Clinic, Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic...
3 Reasons Why You Should See Your Chiropractor After an Auto Accident
Chiropractic is a smart choice for auto injury care, and for good reason: Chiropractic is an efficient way to get you back to peak health...
Dr. Kent Shares Tips to Avoid "Sitting Disease" with Fox 35 Good Day Orlando
Like most working Americans, you probably sit at work all day. Additionally, you spend time in the car sitting during your commute. And...
All About That Balance!
Did you make a health or fitness new year’s resolution this year? Well, if you are like most Americans, chances are you did. ...
Fit Beyond Forty
Growing up, I remember not understanding why it was impolite to ask someone their age. I could not grasp why most people, especially...
How Inactivity Can Make You 8 Years Older
Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine report that elderly women who sit for more than 10 hours a day with...
Top 3 Surprisingly Worst Foods for Your Heart
Sugar and processed foods are destroying our hearts.
10 Ways To Naturally Balance Your Hormones for Energy & Weight Loss
1. Cut back on the sweets and starches. Too many can set your hormones on a wild ride. Even better: eliminate sweets and starches...
Avoid These 5 Cardio Mistakes, Lose More!
I cannot tell you how many times I have been told by a new patient how frustrated he or she is because they have been "killing cardio",...
Are You Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?
Feeling chronically tired? You are not alone. It is one of the most common complaints of modern society. In fact, next to back and neck...