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Balance Chiropractic
Creating Balance. Living Well.

Top 4 Fit Family Perks

Recently someone mentioned to me how inspired they were when they saw a video of me working out with my kids. I vaguely remembered the video I recorded about four years ago when I was training for a figure competition. I had been asked so many times, "how do you find the time to workout as a single, working mother of three?". So, I decided to just show how I fit it in, hoping to motivate other moms out there, but never actually hearing how helpful it was. I went on to win several pro competitions, with trophies sitting on a shelf to prove it, but NONE of that is more rewarding than knowing I have motivated other women and moms to become fit.

Being a mom is my main reason for being fit & healthy. I want my kids to have a good example in a world of obesity and chronic disease. I love seeing them challenge each other to a push-up competition or a race around the block. I love seeing them CHOOSE to eat healthy. Our kids' generation is one of the unhealthiest to date & if you want that to change, we have to show them how! And its not just about the fight against obesity. Here are some perks of creating your fit family:

1. Stress Reliever

Parenting is stressful, period, and in order to be better parents, we must manage that stress. We have all had days when we feel like we are just going to snap if we are asked "whats for dinner?", or it's 9 p.m. and you hear, "Oh yeah, I need a poster board for school tomorrow". And believe it or not, kids are way more stressed than we were at their age. The pressures of school, social media, peer pressure, and infortunaetly, bullying can all be overwhelming for kids today.

2. Increased Productivity

Studies suggest that kids who are active in sports or regular exercise earn better grades than those who are sedentary. For parents, research shows that regular activity means better job performance and satisfaction.

3. Healthier Bones

For moms, bone density unfortuneately begins to slowly decrease around the age of thirty. But that decline can be minimized with weighted activities, minimized the risk of osteoperosis. For kids, their bone density as adults is determined in part by nutrition and activity levels as a child. Not only that, but strong bones will reduce the risk of fractures.

4. Quality Family Time

This is probably the most beneficial perk of all. Instead of viewing your workout as something you have to do, look at it as something you GET to do with your kids. Whether your child is 2 or 16, most of us can agree that we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that, we can easily go days without spending real time interacting with our kids. Other things seem/become more important day to day, but nothing can be further from the truth!

Kids need exercise just like adults do. "Most children need at least an hour of physical activity every day," writes the National Institutes of Health. "Parents can set a good example by being active themselves. Exercising together can be fun for everyone."

For Ideas on how to create balance and live well visit

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